Dufferin Emergency Support Fund Recipients

Canadian Mental Health Association

Canadian Mental Health Association

CMHA Peel Dufferin’s Mission is to champion good mental health for everyone.  To that end, we often support those who struggle with the impact of mental health challenges.  We have all...

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Dufferin

Nancy Stallmach is the Executive Director of Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Dufferin and District.

Visit our website: https://dufferin.bigbrothersbigsisters.ca/

Family Transition Place

Family Transition Place

Family Transition Place’s (FTP’s) Youth Education Program has been providing healthy-relationship education to youth in the Dufferin and Caledon communities since 2001. FTP has  remained...

TeleCheck – Headwaters Health Care Centre

TeleCheck – Headwaters Health Care Centre

We wish to extend our heartfelt appreciation to the Dufferin Community Foundation for your generous support to TeleCheck. TeleCheck is a free, daily telephone check-in that supports independent...