Hospice Dufferin


2020 Emergency Community Support Fund Grant recipient.

Hospice Dufferin would like to thank the Dufferin Community Foundation for providing support for two projects under the federal government’s Emergency Community Support Fund in response to Covid-19.

The first grant received is to develop a youth bereavement program that can be delivered virtually by the support of a bereavement advisor.

We know that pre-Covid, 1 in 5 children will experience the death of someone close to them by the age of 18.  Our current children’s program needs to be adjusted to recognize the challenges that  covid-19 has brought including virtual schooling, physical distancing and a threat of a second wave. Many of children had to say goodbye to their loved one through smart phones and tablets. Now more than ever we want our bereaved youth to feel safe, secure, listened to and supported during this difficult time in their life so they do not experience adult mental health challenges.

Our second grant is for the family caregiver.  Covid-19 has extremely isolated caregivers that are caring for loved ones with cancer, ALS and other life-limiting illnesses.  Our project is to distribute materials to assist them with their role to increase their knowledge and provide virtual groups for them to connect with other caregivers going through the same experience. 

As we move through the pandemic, Hospice Dufferin will continue to support our community especially the seriously ill, their families and the bereaved. Thank you again to the Dufferin Community foundation  for your support.

Visit: https://www.hospicedufferin.com/

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