Our Funds


We now have more than 10 funds reflecting different areas of community interest. Have fun exploring them and donate to those that are closest to your heart.

If you are interested in creating a Named Fund within any of the funds below (i.e., to honour your family, business, organization or a loved one), please contact us.

children and youth fund icon

Children & Youth Fund

A new “forever fund” that will enhance the lives of children and youth and provide opportunities where they can develop their skills and talents. Your gifts to this fund will support local programs and services like enriched learning, mental health support, sports and recreation, artistic expression, outdoor learning, employment readiness, and life skills training.

Dufferin Vision Fund

Dufferin Vision Fund

Community needs can change quickly from year to year. The Dufferin Vision Fund is an unrestricted fund that directs grants to where they are needed the most. Our deep connections to the community and knowledge of the charitable sector ensure we address the most pressing of those needs.

environment fund

Environment Fund

Our magnificent natural environment is seeing increased pressure from the effects of climate change, loss of biodiversity, and population growth. Your donation will strengthen local initiatives and leave Dufferin County a better place for the next generation. Grants will champion stewardship, education and protection to address complex environmental issues.

refugee resettlement fund

Refugee Resettlement Fund

Refugees may come from anywhere in the world, but when they settle in Dufferin County, this fund will be there to help sponsoring organizations with costs related to their first year of settlement. The grants may support housing and living expenses, as well as health care or travel costs associated with coming to Canada.

arts and culture fund

Arts, Culture and Heritage Fund

Dufferin County boasts a diverse and vibrant cultural sector that enriches our lives, and makes a valuable contribution to our local economy through tourism and attracting business. Your donation will help provide sustainable funding to local organizations that promote arts, enhance culture and preserve the heritage of our communities.

mulmur fund

DCF Sustainability Fund

Your gift to support operations is vital. The Foundation runs mainly on the power of our volunteers, so that costs can be kept low. However, there are ongoing costs for annual audits, reporting to CRA, insurance and part-time staffing. The DCF Sustainability Fund helps us cover these basic expenses while we grow.

mulmur fund

Dufferin Emergency Support Fund

When an emergency situation strikes – as it did recently with the COVID-19 pandemic – our local nonprofits are overwhelmed by demand at a time when they are least able to fundraise. So many needs, which one to support? Your gift to the Emergency Support Fund will fund a multitude of local programs, based on need and impact.

Dufferin Big Brothers, Big Sisters Endowment Fund

Big Brothers Big Sisters Charitable Endowment Fund

For 50 years, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Dufferin & District has created life-changing relationships by matching children facing adversity with caring adult mentors. This permanent charitable fund will directly benefit the organization, helping to ignite the power and potential of young people for the next 50 years and beyond.

mulmur fund

Rosemary Molesworth Memorial 3D Art Fund

In memory of Rosemary Molesworth, a much-loved local artist who had a lifetime journey with clay. This fund will help local institutions acquire and display 3-D artwork by local artists for the enrichment and enjoyment of Dufferin County residents.

mulmur fund

Mulmur Community Fund

This fund was created by and for the people of Mulmur township. Grants will help advance projects in a wide variety of areas including trail development, recreational activities, arts, culture, and heritage, environmental initiatives and programs not typically supported by government funding.

mulmur fund

Shelburne Community Fund

A forever fund for the people of Shelburne, providing grants for local charities and programs that meet urgent needs and enhance quality of life in the town. All who live, work, play or do business in Shelburne are encouraged to give. You will be supporting a wide range of projects like community services, arts and culture, recreation, the environmental and much more.