Professional Advisors

Your clients have a dream

Your clients have a dream. For financial security. For wealth. For legal protection of their estates. They also have a dream for the kind of change they want to see in the world. For the kind of community that they want to leave for their children, grandchildren and future generations.

As a professional advisor, you hold an influential position in helping to make all these dreams come true. Through your expert lens, you often find ways to help clients do much more than they could have imagined.

Likewise, Dufferin Community Foundation can find highly meaningful ways to help your clients achieve their donor visions. We offer the flexibility to support local charities (many or just a few), specific causes or fields of interest (like the environment, arts or areas of greatest urgency) and even to set up their own Donor Advised Fund (DAF), an efficient and hassle-free alternative to setting up a private foundation.

Consider us your partner in strategic gift planning 

There are many benefits to giving through the Dufferin Community Foundation:

  • Personalized plan to help clients achieve charitable impact
  • Gift is magnified to benefit many charities… forever
  • Flexibility in deciding how and where to give
  • Tax-smart donations/potential to avoid capital gains
  • We make it easy to give – even for gifts of securities
strategic planning gifts for Dufferin

The Forever Fund

Dufferin Community Foundation is the “forever fund” for our community and the best way to create a legacy that is 100% local. If you are having a philanthropic conversation with your clients as part of their financial or estate planning, consider us a trusted partner in making their charitable dreams come true.

Contact us anytime at 519-938-0780 or by email.