Local Agencies Band Together To Help Seniors

The community network known as Ageing Well In Caledon Dufferin has officially launched its newest resource for older adults – an information card connecting them with essential resources in the Caledon Dufferin area.

The “Are You Connected” resource will be available at multiple locations across the community and will be distributed to our most vulnerable older adults.

Ageing Well in Caledon Dufferin, affectionately known as “AWICD – pronounced A-Wicked” is a collaborative effort between over 20 local community support agencies and organizations addressing physical, mental, social and emotional wellbeing specific to older adults.

This resource has been made possible through the Dufferin Community Foundation’s Emergency Support Fund. Funding was allocated to this project to raise awareness of local community resources, reduce social isolation and encourage older adults to remain connected.

The resource cards will be distributed throughout the county at various farmers markets, fairs, and community events. Our network members will be engaging with older adults and the community at large to promote our new “Are you Connected?” Dufferin resource card.

The Co-chair of the AWICD network, Jennifer McCallum says “We know that studies show loneliness and social isolation are associated with higher risks for adverse health effects. The hope is that this card will serve as a quick point of reference for older adults to be proactive about ageing well in our community through staying connected.”

Online you can connect with AWICD via their website and social media:





Please join the AWICD network for the official launch of the resource card and new website at the Shelburne Public Library on Thursday September 29th at 4pm.

How to donate